Teams overview

Modified 1 year ago

Akaash Amalraj

Teams are groups of people in your organization who communicate and collaborate around a common context. You can create teams that represent business units, projects, or any other such common purposes or goals. 

Teams in Kissflow provide the space and the tools for effective contextual collaboration with other members. Members of a team can share information using posts and have productive discussions in real-time. These include synchronous and asynchronous modes of communication and work collaboration features such as posts, polls, discussions, and more in the form of dedicated feeds and forums.

All teams are closed and they can only be joined based on an invite from an admin. Each team will also have a chat group by default where all members are present.

A team called Organization will be created by default under which you will find Announcements and other open channels migrated from DWP 4.0 as feeds. Team admins will also be able to create feeds and forums inside other teams.

Common examples

Here are a few examples of teams you can create:

  • Sales and marketing
  • Product management
  • Finance
  • HR
  • Project teams
  • Customer support

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