Geolocation field

The Geolocation field lets you record the location of the users, with their consent. You can view the recorded location in a Google Maps view embedded into the form. You can choose to record the user’s current location, set a constant location for all users, or let the users enter their location manually using the map. 

Using the Geolocation field

You can find the Geolocation field under Advanced fields. Just like any other field, you can drag and drop the field into your form or click the Geolocation field, which automatically places the field in your form. You can edit the name, help text and make the field a required one, just like the other fields. You can also extract location values from these fields using formulas. Note that you can only add one geolocation field in a form, and geolocation fields are not supported inside Child tables and filters.

The Geolocation field uses Google Maps for recording the location of the users. Therefore, a Google Maps API key is required for the field to function. You can add the Google Maps API key in the Geolocation settings inside Account Administration. 


Only Account Owners and Super Admins can access Account Administration. If you’re not one, contact your Super Admin to add a Google Maps API key.

Configuring the location type

You can modify the behavior of the field by choosing from the three options that let you configure different types of locations.

Current location

By choosing this option, you can configure the field to show the user’s current location by default. For this, the end-users should enable location access for Kissflow in their browsers. This is a non-editable field, therefore, end-users cannot modify their location. The user's location will only be saved upon submitting the form, and will not be saved if the user clicks Save, instead of Submit.

Preset location

By choosing this option, you can pick a location that will be shown to all the users and cannot be modified by them.

Custom location

By choosing this option, the user will be prompted to manually choose a location from the map.

Geolocation settings

You can add, edit or remove your Google Maps API key for the Geolocation field from the Geolocation settings. A Google Maps API key allows the Geolocation field in your form to access and use Google Maps. You can use an existing Google Maps API key or create a new one. To learn more about creating and using Google Maps API keys, click here.

Once you have your Google Maps API key, enter it in the field provided, and the system will validate the API key. If the API key entered is valid, you can proceed to save the settings by clicking Save, If the key is invalid, check the key for typos or enter another key. Note that after changes are made to the API Key, all users are required to reload Kissflow for the changes to take effect.


The usage of Google Maps API is subject to charges as per Google Cloud Platform pricing and the billing does not fall under Kissflow pricing.