Sequence number

You can use the Sequence number field when you want to add a recurring serial or sequence number to each item in your process as well as in your data form. In a process, you can generate the sequence number at a particular workflow step whereas in a data form the sequence number is generated on submitting the form.


  1. Under Format, select how many digits you want to use as the sequence number starts. 
  2. In Prefix, enter what you want to be shown before the number. In this example, by using the formula concatenate(Department, โ€œ-โ€), the first number will be Marketing - 001 assuming the user belongs to the Marketing department. 
  3. Under, At what step should the sequence number be generated?, choose the moment in the workflow when the sequence number is generated. 


In a data form, a sequence number is generated only on form submission.


While adding functions in the Prefix, the data type should be Text and not any other field type such as Date or User. Learn how to convert other fields to text fields

Sequence numbers can not be generated when an item is in a draft state. It must be submitted into the workflow to be assigned a sequence number. Therefore, the field may look empty to the initial user. They will need to check the item after it has been submitted to find out what the sequence number is.

Workflow steps and parallel branches that have conditions cannot be chosen as a starting point for a sequence number because there is a chance they will be skipped and no sequence number will be generated. 

Process settings

There are additional settings for sequence numbers. On the process home page, click the More options button () > Settings and then Sequence numbers.

Here youโ€™ll see all the configured sequence numbers for this process. 

  • Total sequence numbers displays the active prefixes for your sequence number field.
  • The Prefix shows the prefix you configured in the form. If you use a dynamic field such as Department, it will show you the different numbers generated for different departments. 
  • The Current Number displays the number of current requests for each prefix. 

To reset a prefix, click Reset on that particular prefix row. Then enter the number and click Reset. When a new request is raised in that department, the sequence number will start from that number.

Restart a particular sequence number

To delete a prefix, click Restart on that particular prefix row. This will erase the ongoing sequence number. When a new item is initiated in that department, by default the sequence number will start from 1 .

Reset All and Restart All sequence numbers

You can also choose to restart and delete all the active prefixes by clicking on Reset all or Restart all

By clicking on Reset all, youโ€™ll be asked for the number to restart with. When a new item is initiated it the sequence number will start with the entered number.

By clicking on Restart all will erase all the current sequence numbers. When a new item is initiated the sequence number will start from 1.