Creating and managing navigation


The navigation bar and its associated menu options allow you to define your application's structure for different user role types. You can design your own navigation and assign it to different user roles. Different user profiles will be able to access navigation and pages relevant to their scope of work in this manner. After creating a navigation, they can be accessed in the left pane under the Interface menu > Navigation in the app builder. Use the More options button of a specific navigation to set it as default, rename, duplicate, or delete it.

A navigation is a mandatory asset to deploy any application.

Menu tabs and sub-menus

By adding menu options, you can add a customized horizontal navigation bar for your application. Each menu item can have multiple sub-menus. The menu items can be rearranged across the horizontal axis. Sub-menus can be rearranged under a main menu item in the same way.

Managing tab properties

You will have the option to add additional properties to a menu or sub-menu item when you create it. You can give the menu or sub-menu a unique name and also specify on-click actions. You also have the option of doing nothing or selecting a page to redirect on click.

You will also be able to specify which application roles will have exclusive access to which menus and sub-menus.

Only the roles specified under visibility will see the selected menu and its associated sub-menus. It'll be hidden from the global navigation for all the other roles.