Threaded replies


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Threads allow you to organize conversations around specific chat messages. It lets you discuss any topic in greater depth without clogging up chat messages and maintain context over time. Threads are available in direct chats, group chats, and space chats.

Replying in a thread

Here’s how you can reply to a thread in direct or group chats:

  1. Open any direct or group chats.
  2. Hover over any message in the chat and click Reply in thread ().
  3. Type your message. The reply will appear as a threaded message below the original message.

You can reply to your threads or other threads. You can reply to a particular thread, @mention another member, add images and attachments, respond using emojis, and do much more, just like in a normal chat message. You can access the More options button () of a specific chat to Pin, Star, Copy, Edit, Forward, React, and Delete that chat thread.


Even if the thread's primary message is deleted, you can continue conversations in a thread.

Viewing threaded replies

To view all thread replies in a direct or group chat, click the Show replies dropdown arrow. You can find all the replies listed below the main message. You can see the count of unread replies when threads are formed below the main message. You can hide the replies in chat by clicking the Collapse icon ().

Following and unfollowing a thread

Following a thread helps you stay updated about what’s happening in the thread through notifications. When you start a thread in a chat, you automatically follow it.

You can unfollow a thread if you don't want to receive notifications about it. If you want to unfollow a thread, you can click Unfollow ().

Quote and reply

You can also quote and reply in a thread by selecting specific words. To quote and respond to a message, select the part of the message you want to quote and click the Quote and reply button () that appears beside the highlighted word.