Managing dataform roles

As a developer of the application, you will have default access to the Dataform and will have the ability to change many settings.

As an apps developer of your Dataform, you can assign the roles and permissions of the Dataform to app roles.

To manage roles and permissions,

  • Access the data form > click Share.
  • On the Share settings page, click + Assign to role to select and add members.  
  • Add roles and assign Read-only, Edit, or Manage permission.
  • Click Confirm.

To remove roles from a Dataform, click the Remove button () inside the Shared roles and permissions screen. The role will not be able to access or view the contents of the data form thereafter.

You can also change the permission of roles after they are added. For example, if you want to change the role of a member from Read-only to Manage, simply select the radio button.

Roles and permissions

You can grant permissions to app role to control what actions they can perform in your Dataform.

There are three permissions for your roles:

  • Read-only - Users will be able to view the Dataform.

  • Edit - Users will be able to view, create, and update the Dataform. They can also visualize Dataforms in multiple views and access all the reports. However, they cannot delete the Dataform

  • Manage - Users will be able to view, create, update, and delete the data in the Dataform. They can visualize Dataforms in multiple views and access all the reports.