Analytics reports

Modified 11 months ago

Mekha Mathew

Kissflow Work Platform:

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Analytics reports enable you to generate insights like cross-process reports in visual or tabular form over various data sources, including process tables, child tables, system tables, datasets, and dataviews. Dataviews can help combine data from multiple processes to create reports over them.

Creating a new report

To create a new report in analytics:

  1. Click the Analytics button ().
  2. Under the Reports tab, click Create report.
  3. In the report preview page, specify the following options and click Create.
    1. Data source.
    2. Name and description for the report.
    3. Choose the type of report.
  4. You can also click Create button () on the left navigation and select Report to start creating a new analytics report.
  5. Reports can also be created over a data source inside the Data explorer page.
  6. If you want to combine data sources, create a dataview and then create a report over that dataview. For example, a dataview can combine two different process tables, and then you can create a report over it.
  7. You can also duplicate an existing report and then edit it.

Types of reports

Tabular report

Tabular reports display information in columns and rows. This lets you classify data into different categories or classes for easier analysis.

  1. In the Configure report section, click + Add fields to add the required fields from the data source as columns.
  2. Add a filter by clicking () > + Add a filter.
  3. Select the field, condition, choose Field or Value, and then select the field or value. 
  4. Click + Add a new condition or + Add a new filter, as needed. 
  5. Click (-) to remove a condition or (x) near a filter to remove the filter. 
  6. The changes can be saved by clicking Apply. To reset all added filters, click Clear. To discard the changes, click Close button (X) on the top corner.
  7. Select a field and choose Ascending or Descending to sort the data. Click Save to configure the report.
Chart report

Charts display data graphically in one of ten chart types including area, bar, doughnut, line, pie, and bubble chart. In the Configure report section, select the chart type, click + Add fields, and select the required fields for dimension, measure, and legend. You can remove a field by clicking the Delete button (). Adding a Filter is similar to that of tabular reports. Select the scale type and the required labels. Click Save to configure the report.

Pivot report

Pivot tables or Pivot reports help you quickly summarize large quantities of data. You can convert columns into rows and rows into columns.

Rows and Columns are two-dimensional data using which Values are calculated. Values indicate the field whose aggregate is calculated in the pivot table. 

In the Configure Reports section under Settings, you can select the fields to be displayed as columns and rows. You can also select the field whose aggregated value is to be displayed in the pivot table under Values and select the type of aggregation. The aggregate can be sum, avg, count, min, max, or variance. To remove fields, you can click the Delete button ().

The hierarchy of the rows and columns follows the same order in which you select them. Each consecutive column is placed under the column preceding it as per the order of fields under Columns. Similarly, each consecutive row is placed under the row preceding it as per the order of the fields under Rows.

The consecutive levels of columns will have a sub-total column with the word Total appended to the column name.

When viewing a pivot table, you can collapse, expand, and sort columns and rows. You can sort based on the field in ascending or descending order by clicking the field. The default sort is in ascending order.

If you hover over a value, you can see which row and column it belongs to, along with the value.

Under Grand totals, choose how you would like to display grand totals from the dropdown:

  • Show grand totals - display grand totals for all rows and columns.
  • Show grand totals for columns only - display grand totals for each column.
  • Show grand totals for rows only - display grand totals for each row.
  • Do not show grand totals - hide grand totals for all rows and columns.

Under Value calculations, choose how you would like to calculate values from the dropdown:

  • Keep as is - don't change the values.
  • % of grand total - the table values will be displayed in percentage instead of sum.
  • % of row - the row total will be displayed in percentage instead of sum.
  • % of columns - the column total will be displayed in percentage instead of sum.

Adding a Filter is similar to that of tabular reports. Click Save to configure the report.

You cannot change the data source and report type when editing an existing report. You can only change the chart type and other properties.

Accessing reports

To access reports in analytics, click Analytics in the left navigation and open the Reports page. Here, you can view all reports created in analytics to which you have access.

Every report is displayed in a card view. You can find out the following details from these cards: 

  • Name
  • Report type
  • Last modified time
  • Share status of the report

You can easily search and sort the reports alphabetically, by when they were created or modified.

You can also filter these reports using the following filters:

  • All reports -  Shows all reports in the page.
  • My reports - Shows reports that you have created.
  • Shared reports - Shows reports for which you have member access.

When you open a report, you can see when its corresponding data source was last synced.

Reports and system reports existing within processes are not visible in analytics. The scope of the reports created here is limited to analytics.   

Administering a report

After you’ve created a report, you have several ways to administer it. Most of these options are available under More options button () next to a report in the reports page or report viewer page.

  1. Share - Share the report with others. You have the option to let users share the report with more people.
  2. Export - Export all the data in the report as a CSV or JSON file. Exporting is only available for tabular reports. After exporting, you will receive an email with a link to download the report.

In the report viewer page, you can click the Filter button () to edit the filter, Show/hide fields to manage field visibility.

When you click Details under More options button() in the report viewer, you can see the report name, description, report admins, data sources from which the report was created, time of creation, last modified time, and last synced time.

Managing roles and permissions

There are two different report roles in analytics.

  • Admin: They can edit, delete, and share a report.
  • Member: They can view a report and optionally edit and share it.

By default, the creator of a report becomes the admin. A report can have many admins. Report admins can add other users to the report as members. However, only a Super Admin can add additional users or themselves as admins.




Create a report

Access a report

Add/remove an admin

Add/remove a user/group as member

Edit report

Based on permission


Duplicate report

Delete report

Share a report

Based on permission

Revoking access to reports

After their member access is revoked, a user is unable to view the report. If the user is the only admin for the report, Super admin will be added as an admin. Users/groups with whom the user shared the report prior to its revocation will still be able to access it.

To revoke access to a report:

  1. On the report page, click More options button () > Share.
  2. Select the member whom you want to remove and on the user card, click More options button () > Remove member.
Only a Super admin can add admin or revoke report admin access. 

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