Analytics FAQs

Modified 8 months ago

Mekha Mathew

Frequently asked questions

  1. Can I create a report based on a board?

You can create reports based on individual boards or by combining data from multiple boards in Analytics. Board tables can be found under Data explorer for each board you create in your Kissflow account.

  1. How can I create reports based on subitems in boards?

You can find subitems in a board table by filtering the Parent ID. Once you filter the subitems, you can click Create report.

  1. Can I bring in data from external sources into Kissflow Analytics?

No, Kissflow Analytics can only be used to create reports and analyze data already in your Kissflow account.

  1. Can I connect BI tools like Power BI or Tableau to Kissflow Analytics?

No, you need the Kissflow connector for BI to connect with other BI tools. For more details, you can contact our support team. 

  1. What can I do if I lose the BI connector credentials?

You will receive an email with the credentials once you provision the Kissflow connector for BI for your account. However, if you lose access to the credentials, make sure to transfer your role as an Account Owner to the relevant user. To receive a new email with the credentials, you can contact our support team.

  1. Can I create a report over a child table present within a process?

Yes, you can create a report over a child table. All child tables can be located under Data explorer > My tables. Individual child tables will be listed as cards with the following names: 'process name - child table name'.

  1. Can I create a report over a dataset?

Yes, you can create a report over a dataset. Datasets are tables that can be found under Data explorer > My tables.

  1. How can I join two processes?

You can join two processes using a common field present in both processes. For example, the Purchase Request process will have PR id which will also be present as a field in the Purchase Order process. You can use PR id to join Purchase Request and Purchase Order.

  1. What is the frequency at which my data in analytics is synced?

Analytics data will be synced once every hour.      

  1. How can I create metrics similar to the System metrics report in process?

To create a report similar to the system metrics report, join process table and activity instance table by matching _instance_id in activity instance table with _id in process table.

Find more information about the various columns and schema of process & system tables here.

  1. I am getting an error in my SQL query that says You don't have permission to access this resource when I try to access a Dataview as a Super Admin of the account. How can I resolve this error?

This error occurs when a user does not have permission to access the table or system table that the dataview is querying. Once a user has been added to the table or system table via Share, they will be able to run the queries that have that table or system table mentioned in them. To learn more about Share, refer Process, Board, Dataset, Dataform, and System table. Even super admins do not have access to all tables and system tables by default. In the event of such an error, super admins must add themselves to the relevant table or system table.

  1. Why am I not able to see board and project data in analytics?

Currently, only process and dataset tables are supported in analytics.

  1. How can I join a process table and a child table?

You can join a process table and its corresponding child table by matching _id in the process table with _instance_id in the child table.

Find more information about columns and schema of process & system tables here.

  1. How can I access analytics if I am not on any of the Kissflow Work Platform plans?

Analytics is only available in the Kissflow Work Platform plans. If you're on any other plan, you must first upgrade to Kissflow Work Platform to access analytics.

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