Rich text editor update

Modified 1 year ago

Mekha Mathew

If you regularly use our rich text editor to format and style text, images, videos, and links that show in Kissflow, we've some exciting news for you!

We're upgrading the rich text editor field for the following entities in Kissflow:

  • Process form field
  • Case system form field and notes
  • Project form field and notes
  • Feed posts
  • Forum topics
  • Integration email action body
    Rich text editor in action inside the Email connector body

Rich text editor in action inside a Forum topic

What's changed?

You can now manually access the rich text editor and a whole of its features using these two different ways:

  1. Type a text and select the content piece to view the rich text editor in the horizontal view.
  2. Click '/' to view rich text editor commands in vertical view.
These changes will go live on Tuesday, 16th August 2022.

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