Changes in group synchronization behavior in user provisioning

Modified 1 year ago

Akaash Amalraj

Kissflow's user provisioning services, such as System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM), Google Workspace, and Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), are receiving an update to their group synchronization behavior.  

So far, whenever a group mapped in the sync configuration between an identity provider (IdP) and Kissflow is deleted from the IdP, the corresponding group and its users within Kissflow are unaffected and continue to exist. Such groups were unaffected by periodic syncs. For example, if a group named Intern is deleted from Azure AD, the group will still exist in Kissflow. 

What has changed? 

With this update, when a group mapped in the sync configuration between an IdP and Kissflow is deleted, the corresponding group within Kissflow is also deleted. 

If the group had been referred to anywhere inside Kissflow, deleting it via group sync would have the same effect as deleting any other group manually in Kissflow. 

In the coming weeks, existing Kissflow Coral customers will receive this update.

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