Advanced filter revamp

Modified 1 year ago


We have enhanced the functionality of the Advanced filter feature in the Process workflow and the update will tentatively go live on 15th Dec, 2021. The following are the changes which you will notice sooner when you add filter conditions in your process workflows and reports:

Ability to add conditions using different fields within the same group(filter)

You can add filter conditions only against one field in a group at the moment but after this release, you will be able to add filters using different fields in the same group. i.e. We have given the flexibility to choose a different field in the left-hand side unlike the current scenario where you can set filter conditions against only one field as part of a filter group.

Ability to apply AND/OR operators between groups of filters

You must be using the Match ALL or Match ANY options to achieve the AND/OR operations between different filters to date. You will not be seeing these options henceforth and they will be replaced by the AND/OR dropdown from which you can easily select the appropriate operator that would suit your requirements.

The AND operator is the equivalent of the Match ALL option and the OR operator is the equivalent of the Match ANY option respectively.

Ability to add OR operator between filter groups in process reports

Currently, you can apply the OR operator within a specific filter(group) in a process report. Now, we are bringing in an additional flexibility to apply the OR operator between two filter groups as well.

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